Program FOOD
We care about the health of your employees. We help companies improve the physical and mental condition of their employees, and thus increase not only work performance, but also long-term job satisfaction.
More about the FOOD program

It is a Europe-wide program that seeks to promote public health. The aim of the project is to improve the eating habits of employees and at the same time improve the nutritional quality of meals offered in restaurants.

Be employer who

It has more efficient and satisfied employees with a full day's work commitment 
Reduces turnover, recruits and retains quality employees
He builds prestige and the name of his company 
Reduces employee error rates
Reduces morbidity and absenteeism
Minimizes employee injuries
It increases the attractiveness of the company for current employees

What is it for your does the company mean?



Allowing employees to eat healthily is a good investment for a company.

Healthy nutrition is reflected in the daily operation of the company. Prosperous companies have employees who are focused, feel good and like to go to work. Poor eating leads to frequent absences, stress and poorer work results.

When people have healthy food during the lunch break,
they have enough energy, are in good shape and perform better, are more creative and efficient, communicate easily, understand and easily manage stress, make faster decisions, are not tired and nervous. Lunch breaks also contribute to psychohygiene and are an important moment to replenish strength. Map of Ticket Restaurant® is the right tool to ensure quality food during your employees' lunch breaks.
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