Paper solutions
lähde: Edenred
Edenred paper solutions have been proven for years. Thanks to them, your employer gives you maximum freedom to choose when, where and how to use them. 
Meal vouchers
Ticket Restaurant®

Did you know that? meal vouchers Ticket Restaurant®that you receive from your employer, increase your net income? That is why it is one of the most used employee benefits. this the benefit is tax-advantaged, and therefore the full amount of the contribution remains with you. Thanks to that you can use the full value of the meal ticket according to your needs in the widest acceptance network in Slovakia, thus saving time spent cooking.

Edenred vouchers

Do you have a new book in view, do you need to add new pieces of clothing to your wardrobe, or do you dream of new electronics or perfume? With this extra money in the form of Edenred Gifts vouchers, you can buy exactly what you desire. Edenred Vouchers Gifts are accepted in wide hurry branded sales and shopping centers throughout Slovakia.

Edenred vouchers

Extra money in the form of Edenred vouchers Services open the door to a world of active relaxation in the form of massages and beauty treatments in beauty centers and spas, offer the possibility of self-development and personal growth, but also provide entertainment in cinemas and theaters. Edenred Vouchers Services are accepted in wide network of acceptance points and can be used for any type of service.

Acceptance points

For lunch, relaxation or shopping? Choose from the widest acceptance network of establishments and enjoy your day in one of them. 

Devices that accept Edenred paper solutions are marked with Ticket Restaurant stickers® Edenred Services and Edenred Gifts.
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