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published  22.03.24  v 

Employees particularly welcome a higher allowance for meals, benefits decide when they choose a job

If employees could choose their own employee benefits, they would be the first to choose the optimal meal allowance of €7,80. It emerged from our exclusive survey. He also confirmed that for the majority of employees, benefits from the employer play an important role when considering a job offer.

If the employees themselves could choose the benefits that suit them best from our offer, most of them - up to 68 percent - would choose a meal allowance of €7,80. This was shown by an exclusive Edenred survey that we conducted through our app in January. 1 respondents took part in the survey.

In 19, 2024 percent of Slovaks would choose an allowance for recreation in the Holiday wallet on the Edenred card, and 14 percent of respondents would first choose an allowance for gifts and leisure activities in wallet Benefits on the Edenred card.

"This is valuable data that will certainly help employers optimally set employee benefits to suit each employee. Managing benefits is easy with our solution, and in addition, money invested in employees may not be subject to taxation." said Lívia Bachratá, Director of Public Affairs at Edenred.

A solution for everyone

The survey also brought other interesting data. For example, up to 54 percent of Slovaks, when considering whether to accept a job offer, decide not only on the salary but also on the type and amount benefits, which the employer provides.

"Last year, a third of the employees appreciated the allowance for buying gifts. More than a fifth of the respondents - up to 28 percent - praised the food allowance the most. The third most valued benefit in 2023 was the possibility of flexible working hours and working from home," added L. Bachratá.

Employees also positively evaluated benefits that were intended for relaxation (9 percent of respondents), for health promotion (9 percent of respondents), health, culture and sports allowance (3-4 percent) and the opportunity to use a company car for private purposes (2 percent ).

Non-monetary benefits

Only a minimum of employers - 4 percent - provide employees with more than seven types of non-monetary benefits benefits. Another 18 percent provide at least four non-monetary benefits, and the majority of Slovak employers (78 percent) provide none or a maximum of three non-monetary benefits.

"Our experience shows that an appropriate combination of monetary and non-monetary benefits is ideal, both from the point of view of optimizing taxes and from the point of view of employee satisfaction and loyalty," stated the director of Edenred's public relations department.

At Edenred, we have extensive experience in helping employers set up remuneration and employee benefits. Our specialists gladly dedicate their time and knowledge to anyone who shows interest. Contact us, make an appointment for a non-binding consultation, and you will see for yourself that Edenred solutions are beneficial for both the employer and its employees.

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