Thanks to the regular data collected by our company's TRC index, we know how much employees actually pay for lunch. Price developments are inexorable, but accurate statistics help employers to optimize their budgets and adjust meal allowances for employees so that they are sufficient.
According to the latest TRC index data of the Edenred company, people in the Trnava region paid the highest amount for lunches in the first quarter of 2024 (9,60 euros). This region also recorded the highest year-on-year increase in payments. When comparing March 2024 with March 2023, this is an increase of up to 17 percent. It should be emphasized that the entire expenses for food, snacks or coffee are always included in meal card payments.
Recommendation by employers
In terms of the amount of payments for the first quarter of 2024, the Košice region finished second (9,07 euros) and the Banskobystry region came in third (8,88 euros). They are followed by Žilina Region (8,52 euros), Nitrian Region (8,30 euros), Bratislava Region (8,23 euros), Prešovský Region (8,20 euros) and Trenčín Region (7,69 euros).
"It is evident that the prices of food and meals are not falling, on the contrary. That is also why we recommend that employers, instead of the minimum meal allowance, which is set at 5,85 euros, take advantage of the opportunity to contribute to the employees' meals with the optimal amount of the meal allowance in the amount of 7,80 euros, because the quality of the meals affects the work performance and the health of the employees." said Lívia Bachratá, Director of Public Affairs at Edenred.
Double-digit price increase
Looking at the summary of the entire year 2023, it is clear that last year employees in the Košice region paid the most for lunch on average (8,81 euros). They are followed by Trnavský (8,76 euros), Prešovský (8,42 euros), Žilinský (8,40 euros), Banskobystrický (8,37 euros), Nitriansky (8,18 euros), Bratislavaský (8,02 euros) and Trenčiansky region (7,53 euros).
In the mentioned year-on-year comparison between March 2024 and March 2023, the Trnava region was not the only one with a double-digit increase (17 percent). In Banská Bystrica, payments increased by 15,4 percent. Payments in the Košice, Žilina and Trenčín regions increased by more than nine percent. On the contrary, the most stable payments in the year-on-year comparison were recorded in the Prešov Region, where they rose by only 2,5 percent.
Employees need to feel interested
From the point of view of the individual months of last year, December was the most expensive in the Trnava region. At that time, the average payment for lunches rose to 10,80 euros.
"When prices rise, employers can help their employees, for example, by increasing allowances for meals or other non-financial benefits. Our research shows that employees who feel their employer cares about them are more loyal, work better and don't think about changing jobs." added L. Bachratá.