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published  02.05.24  v 

COMPETITION: At home and in the garden, everything will be great

CONTEST ENDED. Natush D., Marcel A. and Jana M. became the winners of 3 x €30 credits charged to the Edenred card. Hearty congratulations!

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Get ready for spring cleaning with selected Edenred partners and win €30 worth of credit!

How to join the competition?

  • share a photo from your spring house cleaning or garden work between 1/5/2024 and 31/5/2024 or
  • how you pay with the Benefits wallet on the Edenred card in one of the partner stores,
  • you can share photos on our Facebook profile in the comments under the post about the competition or on Instagram by tagging edenredslovakia in the story via @zmienka* or on the photo of the post via "Tag people",
  • We will reward 3 winners with €30 credit charged to their meal / benefit wallet.

*we can only enter you into the competition if you have a public profile

The draw will take place on February 3, 6.

We have tips for partners where you can buy everything you need for convenient cleaning or tools to handle garden work with your Benefits wallet on the Edenred card:

You can find more acceptance partners in our business search engines.

We wish you to combine the pleasant with the useful and clean your apartment, house or garden in such a way that you feel the best there. We are looking forward to your photos 🙂

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