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published  14.06.24  v ,

Enrich your knowledge and win with Edenred Academy!

Good day,

we are happy to invite you to expand your professional horizons at prestigious professional conferences that benefit every accountant and financial professional. As part of Edenred Academy, we would like to draw your attention to the following upcoming events:

  1. Summer meeting of accountants – This important meeting will take place on July 2-4, 7.
    You will get more information tu.
  2. A major amendment to the VAT Act – An important conference will take place on 16 - 17 September 9 and you can find details tu.
  3. Legal tax optimization in 2024 – Mark the date 7 and 8 October 10 and click for more information tu.

Do not hesitate to register for upcoming conferences as soon as possible. The number of participants is limited.

COMPETITION FOR TICKETS: In addition, as our valued clients, you have a unique chance to win 2 tickets including accommodation for the conference Summer meeting of accountants! All you have to do is participate in the draw, which will take place on June 20, 6.

But that's not all! We are preparing more exclusives for you Edenred Academy webinars with tax advisor Martin Tužinský. Mark the dates in your calendars 24/9/2024, 10/10/2024 and 20/11/2024, when always at 13:00 p.m. let's meet online. We will send you information about the topics of individual webinars well in advance, so that you have the opportunity to register in time. However, you can already look forward to interesting topics, valuable information and practical advice directly from an expert.

We look forward to your participation and good luck in the draw!


The Edenred Academy team

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