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published  12.06.24  v 

The new wording of the Tariff for mediation fees and fees - partner effective from 1 July 7

Dear business partners,

our common goal is to continuously work to improve our products and services to support the growth and prosperity of your business.

Due to the significant growth of inflation, constantly increasing costs, improving the quality of services, after more than 5 years we are approaching this in accordance with Article X., point 10 of the General Terms and Conditions - Partner effective from 1/4/2023 and in accordance with Article III., point 3. Fee schedule for mediation and fees - partner effective from 1 April 4 to be amended Tariff of fees for mediation and fees - partner effective as of July 1.7.2024, XNUMX.

The specific adjustment for already existing partners will be individually set during the months of July to September 2024 according to the product and the current amount of remuneration for services.

Sincerely and respectfully,

Team Edenred

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