Motivated and loyal employees and satisfied employers who can develop their business thanks to their people. This is one of the goals that employee benefits help fulfill. So that employers do not have to operate by trial and error when choosing benefits, we present data from our current survey on benefits.
Meal vouchers, or cards, financial rewards or company shares and extra days off are the benefits that employees value the most. This follows from the current Edenred survey, which was carried out among employers using Edenred benefit solutions.
Meal vouchers and meal cards are considered the best benefit by 57 percent of respondents.
"This is a practical benefit that every employee can use and it certainly helps them to improve their work performance," LÃvia Bachratá, director of Public Affairs at Edenred, is convinced.
The second most popular benefit, which received up to 54 percent in the survey, is financial rewards, which in some cases are converted into company shares. The top third of the most popular benefits are extra days off. This benefit is highly valued by 43 percent of respondents.
"Meal support and fixed vacation days - these are two mandatory benefits in Slovakia, as they fulfill the two most basic needs of every employee if he is to be efficient at work, namely - access to food during the working day and regular rest from work. So it's no surprise that they're popular with employees." explained L. Bachratá.
Improvement of the financial situation
Pension savings or life insurance contributions (32 percent), transport contributions (23 percent) and purchases at discounted employee prices (21 percent) are also popular and appreciated by employees.
On the contrary, according to the current survey, benefits such as childcare services or tickets to cultural events appear less attractive. "It is evident that employees appreciate the benefits that lighten or improve their family budget and that enable them to achieve a better balance between work and private life," stated L. Bachratá.
Benefit from benefits
Our survey also revealed what added value and benefit employee benefits bring to employers. Up to 90 percent of employers declared an increase in overall employee satisfaction. According to 45 percent of those interviewed, benefits strengthen the loyalty of workers to the company, and according to 28 percent of the employees interviewed, they increase the attractiveness of the company on the labor market.
"These are powerful tools for having satisfied employees and thus developing your business. Especially if the benefits are chosen correctly, they bring benefit to both parties," said L Bachratá.
Flexible solutions
Choosing and combining benefits in such a way that they bring the set goals is sometimes alchemy. Because just as society and conditions in it change, so do the needs and priorities of employees.
The Cafeteria solution maintains the highest possible flexibility in choosing employee benefits for a long time. Even in the current survey, the majority of employers identified it as the most flexible. According to them, the use of this benefit system increases employee satisfaction because it takes into account the needs and preferences of each and every employee.
When to provide rewards?
According to our experience, it is ideal if benefits are provided continuously and throughout the year, or when there is a reason for an exceptional reward or benefit for achievements. Then the costs of employee benefits can be well planned and managed.
"The current survey also showed that employers reward their people especially at Christmas and then on occasions such as extraordinary performance or work anniversaries. These are certainly circumstances when employees expect it, and it is good if they are adequately rewarded by the employer and perceive interest in their person," is a confident Director of Public Affairs at Edenred.
Christmas bonuses are given by 54 percent of the interviewed employers. Exceptional performance and achieved results are appreciated by 34 percent of employers in the form of a reward or extra benefit. This is followed by work anniversaries, which are paid for by 28 percent of employers, birthdays, which are noted by 20 percent of employers, and life anniversaries, respectively. special life events, for which 18 percent of employers contribute in some form of remuneration.