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published  23.05.24  v 

How not to lose patience when looking for a new job

Patience and perspective are just as important in the job search as knowing what you want to do. Finding a new job does not take a few days, but weeks or months. It is not easy to be rejected and endure. But it is necessary if you want to find a job that really suits you.

Almost everyone who is looking for a job experiences it. He has already sent dozens of resumes, most of them received no response, one or two invitations to an interview, but a new job is still in sight.

"Despite the low unemployment rate, looking for a job takes on average several months, not weeks. Candidates can understandably feel frustrated, so it's good to look for ways to keep your confidence in good shape." Lívia Bachratá, Director of Public Affairs at Edenred, is convinced.

What is going on?

There can be several reasons why employers or recruitment agencies to which applicants send their CVs do not respond to the interest. First of all, it is probably a high number of responses to the job offer and not enough time for responses.

Of course, this does not excuse anyone, decency dictates to answer, to react. And when that doesn't happen, you don't need to take it personally. Staying on top of things is one of the ways to maintain perspective, self-confidence and patience.

"A common mistake made by job seekers is that they send the same CV in response to all the job offers that interest them. However, it is always worth paying attention to the details in the resume so that they correspond as much as possible with the requirements for the position being filled." L. Bachratá advised.

How to be on top of things?

When looking for a job, there will definitely be a situation where you will be invited to an interview. However, after the first or even the second round, it is clear that you have failed. “This is not the happiest view of the situation, because just because the applicant did not get the job does not mean that he failed. Only someone met the requirements more. Again, don't take it personally. You can even look at it in such a way that it's good that he wasn't chosen, because if the job wasn't completely for him, he wouldn't be satisfied with it." continues L. Bachratá in the instructions on how not to lose heart during a long job search.

According to HR professionals, every completed interview, even if there is no employment contract at the end of it, is a very valuable experience that moves a person further in their job search. He gradually learns what questions he can expect, how they can be answered, how to react in different situations.

Some advise practicing the interview at home, either with family members who ask questions, or just in private in front of a mirror. Such training gives the applicant more confidence.

Truthfulness and diplomacy

Untruths, half-truths, or even outright lies in the resume can also be the reason why employers do not respond to a resume or why an applicant does not proceed to the next round of job interviews. Each of us wants to look our best, experienced, smart when looking for a job - we want to "sell" ourselves.

But if because of this, he states things in his CV that are not true, instead of being shortlisted, he will be disqualified. "An experienced recruiter can detect such inaccuracies either from the resume or at the latest during the interview. That's why we recommend only stating real facts and facts in your CV and motivation letter," advises an expert from Edenred. He recommends diplomatic answers in the case of questions that should not even be asked at a job interview because they can be considered discriminatory. Questions about how old you are, what are your family circumstances and family plans for the future, or questions about religion, sexual orientation and place of residence can be answered, for example, as not relevant, because it is not related to the job .

Patience brings work

In the process of looking for a new job, it is very important not to lose patience and not to give up. Because finding a job that you enjoy and fulfill is the foundation of success in your search.

"We recommend using the search time for yourself as much as possible. Especially if you are not working, it is an ideal opportunity to further your education, expand your experience, offer your strength somewhere as a volunteer or really relax." advised by L. Bachratá.

A long-term unsuccessful job search undermines self-confidence and can lead to burnout, so it is extremely important to take care of mental hygiene and take care of your mental and physical health.

Keeping your psyche and body in good shape helps regular exercise and engaging in activities that bring joy, fulfillment or satisfaction. At the same time, it helps not to lose sight of your goal, to always follow offers, not only on job portals, but also on social networks. You should also use the network of your family and friends. And sometimes you can find a job by directly contacting the employer you are attracted to.

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