Edenred map
iPhone, Apple Watch, iPad or MacBook
Apple Wallet wallet - you don't need to install anything on your Apple device, just add your Edenred card to your Apple Wallet and it's ready to pay immediately
active online account on www.mojedenred.sk
Open the Wallet app
and click on the "+" sign.
Apple Watch
Open the Apple Watch app on your iPhone, select Wallet & Apple Pay, and then click "Add Credit or Debit Card."
Open Settings, click on Wallet & Apple Pay and select "Add credit or debit card".
MacBook Pro
Open System Preferences, click on Wallet & Apple Pay and select "Add Card".

Apple Pay is the easiest way to pay in stores, apps, and online with the devices you carry with you every day.
If you have an iPhone with Face ID, so press the side key twice, look at the phone display and place it next to the terminal.
If you have touch ID, so hold the iPhone on the terminal with your finger on the Touch ID.
To pay with Apple Watch press the side button twice and place the watch on the terminal.

Didn't find the answers to your questions?
Contact us on infoline 02/5070 7333
or by e-mail: informacie-sk@edenred.com
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